Our Athelstan Learning Family (ALF) sessions or workshops are designed for parents and carers to come into school and find out more about specific areas of learning.
In the past, ALF has included:
We actively encourage our parents and carers to volunteer in school and have a number of adults who listen to children read, help out in class or volunteer their time in Forest Schools in Reception and Y1.
Application forms are available from the office. DBS checks are carried out and a informal interview is arranged with Lisa Watson, our Deputy Headteacher, in line with our Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment policies.
Every term, we invite parents and carers to come along and join a 'Showcase' of the children's work. These are generally held in the classrooms where parents and carers are able to walk around and find out about what the children have been learning about. They're very interactive and our children love nothing more than to test the adults on their spelling skills! At certain points in the year, the showcases are organised as an Art Exhibition, where two year groups join together to produce a fabulous exhibition of their work. Showcases are mostly held at 2.45pm and are advertised on our weekly newsletters.