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Through our curriculum, our children will develop an increasing repertoire of skills and explore concepts via enquiry-based questioning.  There will be strong emphasis on knowledge and vocabulary acquisition in each aspect of learning.  This increasingly sophisticated knowledge base will enable children to make connections across individual subjects and the whole curriculum to lead future learning.  We will promote imagination, communication, creativity, ingenuity.  We will install acceptance of making mistakes as a means of developing resilience - all inventive ideas failed numerous times until they didn't.

In addition to the formal curriculum, we provide extensive opportunities for extra-curricular activities to enable our children to enhance their existing skills and interests, whilst giving them new experiences and encouraging competition and good sportsmanship.   Pupils are regularly encouraged to think about the importance of leading active and healthy lifestyles and the school endeavours to facilitate this.


Our core curriculum design will enable pupils to:

  • be fluent, accurate readers across a wide range of contexts across the curriculum
  • acquire knowledge of an extensive, enriched vocabulary and a range of writing techniques to extend details and description in their writing to fully engage a variety of audiences
  • demonstrate the ability to think independently and to persevere when faced with challenges 
  • have a broad range of skills in using and applying mathematical concepts


Our technology curriculum design will enable pupils to:

aspire to be future scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs by demonstrating a passion for science and its application in past, present and future technologies

  • communicate ideas well by using applications and devices across the curriculum 
  • be designers who demonstrate levels of originality and the willingness to take creative risks to produce innovative ideas


Our humanities and creative curriculum design will enable pupils to:

  • be fluent in complex, geographical enquiry with the ability to further develop their understanding of the ways in which places and people are interdependent and interconnected
  • develop the ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, formulating and refining lines of enquiry and demonstrating how history has shaped our lives
  • communicate fluently in visual and tactile form
  • show a passion for and commitment to a diverse range of musical activities
  • demonstrate the confidence to speak Spanish with good intonation and pronunciation
  • have the ability to link the study of religion and belief to personal reflections on meaning and purpose


Our community action curriculum design will enable pupils to:

  • be active pupils who have a willingness to take part eagerly in all aspects of PE to achieve exceptionally high levels of physical fitness
  • recognise their place as part of the wider community and how difference is to be celebrated

Further information about our curriculum may be obtained by either contacting the school office or by speaking to your child's class teacher.


Click on the link below to go to the DfE website, where you can find out more about the National Curriculum.


CLICK HERE to take you to our Accessibility Plan. 


CLICK HERE to take you to our year groups' pages for more specific information about each subject. 

We aim to ensure that our curriculum is accessible for all SEND pupils.  For further information about SEND and to see our Equality Plan, please use the links below.




We want our children to be confident, creative and reflective young artists.  Art is taught through cross curricular and topic based lessons, allowing our pupils to gain a broader view of the topic being studied. Children are taught about great artists and designers through history which allows them to explore the techniques of artists such as Van Gogh, Cezanne and Kandinsky.  Pupils in KS1 and KS2 also have the opportunity to take part in art exhibitions where their artwork is displayed and celebrated.   We are very proud of our Artsmark Silver Award which shows our dedication to teaching the arts.

As part of art lessons, pupils draw, paint and sculpt as well as having the opportunity to use and develop other art and craft techniques. We want our pupils to develop and master their techniques so we encourage children to practise a particular skill over a series a lessons. This gives children the opportunity to critique and evaluate their work with their peers thus increasing not only artistic, but also personal progression.


Computing within Athelstan teaches pupils to use computational thinking and creativity in order to understand and change the world. Each pupil builds upon and develops their confidence, knowledge and expertise with a wide variety of technology. Computing is taught through a scheme of work called NCCE (Teach Computing Scheme). This is a comprehensive set of resources aligned to the National Curriculum for Computing, Technology and Digital Competence. Pupils are taught the fundamental principles of how computers work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. They build upon their knowledge and understanding throughout each year to create programs, systems and a range of content, including digital media. Our aim is to provide pupils with a level of expertise which forms the foundation of furthering their computing knowledge at secondary school.



We recognise the importance of teaching our children about online safety and their responsibilities when using communication technology. Athelstan delivers a safe online environment with restricted content and filtered internet access to ensure children receive appropriate content. User agreements are signed by children each year to promote safe and sensible use with technology.


DT allows our pupils to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. We teach our pupils to take risks, in order to become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. The skills required for DT are spread across each year group ensuring that children experience and gain knowledge in a variety of skills, techniques and exciting projects throughout their time at school. DT is taught weekly every other half term and includes one food technology project per year.  The school uses the Projects on a Page scheme of work from the Design and Technology Association (DATA).


Writing is an important part of our daily curriculum, from Reception to Year 6; our aim is to foster a vibrant community of writers who can communicate their ideas in a variety of different ways. All children are encouraged to develop a love for writing and have the opportunity to write in a wide variety of genres and for a range of purposes.  Each writing unit starts with the children exploring mentor texts and looking at structural and stylistic features of their focus writing genre. They then follow a structure of planning, drafting, editing and publishing their writing. We are working with the Writing for Pleasure Centre to encourage children to think creatively about where their writing might end up, and who might end up reading it!  In addition to writing lessons, children are also taught discrete spelling, punctuation and grammar to support and enhance their writing.  Spelling is taught using Read Write Inc.



It is important as children enter a global world that they have an understanding of the world around them. Our geography lessons aim to promote the understanding of the physical world and the impact humans have on the environment. Children develop an understanding of different places and locations around the world as well as developing their field work skills through outside investigations, both within the locality and further afield.


All children are encouraged to take pride in their handwriting and in the presentation of their work. Pupils are taught handwriting discretely at specific times throughout the week to ensure that they learn to join their writing neatly and consistently. In Foundation Stage and KS1, it also forms part of the daily RWInc lesson.  There is an opportunity to gain a pen licence when the class teacher is satisfied that a child’s handwriting is of a high standard across all curriculum contexts.



In Key Stage 1, we teach children the basics of history put into the context of their own lives, including changes within living memory and those which are not. Pupils are also taught to be aware of the history of their local surroundings as well as finding out about different important figures in history.

In Key Stage 2, we look further back in history, right back to the stone-age and the foundations of different civilisations, including those in different parts of the world such as ancient Egypt and Greece. Our history learning is enquired based and we consider and evaluate a range of historical sources to enable our children to learn about the past.


Every child takes part in a maths lesson five times a week, which follows the new Primary Curriculum; this is taught using the White Rose scheme of work in all year groups.


Throughout Reception and KS1, practical work with mathematical equipment is a main feature of teaching and learning. Composition of numbers and the recall of addition and subtraction facts are key skills to becoming confident mathematicians. Maths is taught through whole-school teacher input followed by adult-led small group work. Maths enhancement activities and resources are also available in the classroom and the shared area for children to access as they choose. 


Times tables and mental arithmetic opportunities are provided daily from Y2 onwards. Hands-on resources are available and encouraged for children to use to support their conceptual understanding as well as to develop building automaticity. Pupils use Times Table Rockstars and Numbots to support their learning in maths which can be used at home using their login details.


Homework is valued and is given out at the end of each White Rose Unit and helps to embed knowledge that has been learned.


Throughout the school the children are learning to speak Spanish. These lessons take place weekly, during which the children learn the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.  Children are able to hold simple conversations about a variety of topics. We also celebrate Spanish as a community by learning simple phrases to use within our everyday lives and by holding Spanish-themed days.  We have a Spanish word of the week, which is shared with the whole school during lessons and assemblies to support vocabulary acquisition.   We employ a dedicated Spanish Teacher who works alongside our own teachers in various year groups each half term. The school uses the Primary Languages Network scheme of work to support the teaching of Spanish. 


As a school, we use Charanga Musical School Scheme which provides teachers with week by week lesson support for each year group.  It is ideal for specialist and non-specialist teachers and provides lesson plans, assessment, clear progression, and engaging and exciting whiteboard resources to support every lesson.  The scheme supports all of the requirements of the new National Curriculum.   It moves away from the previous levels and learning objectives/outcome concepts to an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical teaching.

The annual Y6 musical production at the Montgomery Theatre is a highlight of our school year. 

Children also have the opportunity to take up private music tuition in piano if they wish.  Those that have music lessons with our peripatetic music teacher perform for pupils and parents/carers at different times of the year.


At Athelstan, PE is taught discretely throughout the school from spring term in Foundation up to Year 6. Children in KS1 and KS2 have two timetabled PE sessions each week – one indoor and one outdoor. In Foundation, children access PE as part of their continuous provision throughout the year but also have one discrete lesson each week from the spring term. 

In years 1 to 6, children build on the core skills developed in Foundation and are taught gymnastics, dance, invasion games, striking and fielding games, net and wall games, target games, orienteering and athletics. The school uses the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work but also employs a sports coach to work alongside teachers in KS2. In addition to two weekly PE lessons, children in years 2 to 6 also take part in five ten-minute 'Fit Spurts' throughout the week, which support pupils with their knowledge and understanding of the three pillars; motor competence, strategies, rules and tactics, and healthy participation.  At Athelstan, we also promote healthy competition and partake in many sporting events, frequently competing against local schools.




We use the Sheffield Primary scheme of work for RSHE.  The scheme has recurring pedagogical themes that are used throughout: high quality stimuli, discussion, flexibility, diversity and inclusion. The six half-termly units are designed so the whole school can study the same learning themes at the same time, each year group at its own level. Units are sequential and developmental throughout each key stage and cover six basic themes;


  1. Respect, consent, diversity and identity
  2. Online safety
  3. Being safe
  4. The law
  5. Seeking support
  6. Personal responsibility and self-respect


Our aim is to teach the children the skills to become successful members of a global community which celebrates diversity and recognises the foundations of British Values.  Towards the end of Key Stage 2, the children are offered the opportunity to attend a residential visit at Manor Adventure, developing their independence and social skills. Within school, children are also given the opportunity to participate in team-building and social skills groups with our Pupil Support Assistant. Throughout school, we also cover basic first aid skills, covering how to contact the emergency services, the information needed, and treating one aspect of basic first aid in each KS2 year group. 


RE is taught across the school using two schemes. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter given new treatment each year, using the ‘Understanding Christianity’ scheme of work. Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are the other religions we cover using the ‘Discovery RE’ scheme of work. Both schemes are enquiry-based schemes which involve children investigating, exploring and answering an enquiry question each half term about the religion they are learning about. Humanist perspectives are added when appropriate in some enquiries. There are regular opportunities for the development of SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural), mindfulness and links to British Values throughout the scheme.


In our school, we believe that children become better scientists through investigation, which stimulates and excites children to develop a love for the subject. We use an enquiry-based curriculum with a strong focus on scientific vocabulary and skills. We encourage children to ask questions to further their investigations.  The outdoor areas are incorporated within science teaching and learning to allow children to make links to the real world. The children are encouraged to explore their theories and predictions, recording them in a variety of ways.  We also have a number of Upper KS2 Science Ambassadors who support one of our teachers to run a weekly after-school Science Club.
