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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3




Portraits - influenced by the artist Edvard Munch, pupils focus on colour mixing and the use of different backgrounds to reflect the mood of the portrait.
Weather and Art - pupils create landscape collages of weather scenes. 
Cityscapes - pupils learn about the work of Stephen Wiltshire and use this as inspiration for their own pieces.  


Pupils are taught computing using the NCCE Teach Computing scheme.  This covers: how technology communicates with each other; using images and text to create media for a purpose; creating sequences in block-based programming language; building databases to group objects.

 Autumn 1 - Connecting computers
Autumn 2 - Stop-frame animation
Spring 1 - Sequencing sounds
Spring 2 - Branching Databases
Summer 1 - Desktop publishing
Summer 2 - Events and actions in programs



Shell Structures - pupils design and create their own gift boxes. They also use a CAD (computer aided design) program to design the box. 
Mechanical Systems - levers and linkages.  Pupils design and create their own moving picture, toy, poster or leaflet.
Food Technology - a healthy and varied diet.  Pupils design and make a healthy snack which would be suitable to take on a school trip.



Every classroom strives to create and uphold a strong writing culture. In Y3, children continue to develop their familiarity with an increasing range of genres and styles. Our writing sessions help children to fluently compose sentences following a variety of different structures, and begin to organise these into paragraphs by theme. Children explore a range of organisational devices in non-fiction genres. By the end of Y3, we expect our writers to be developing their editorial skills, keeping their eyes peeled for errors of spelling or punctuation and even beginning to comment on the effectiveness of their chosen vocabulary. 

Genres covered in Y3 writing may include: non-chronological reports, news articles, poetry, recounts and diary entries, explanation and instruction texts, persuasive letters, character and setting descriptions, and narratives in a range of genres.


Click here for the programmes of study for English




What can we learn from a map of Handsworth? Pupils learn that maps are a way of communicating information. They will study a range of maps, including OS maps, before creating their own.
Wild weather: why is the UK's weather so unpredictable? Pupils will develop their understanding of weather and be introduced to the world’s climate zones.  They will explore the UK’s climate before exploring the distribution of climate zones across the world.  They will then investigate how climate affects the lives of people in the Mediterranean by comparing the lives of people in Bologna with their own.
What is life like in Brazil?  Pupils will begin by studying the human and physical features of Brazil before placing Brazil in the wider context of the world and South America. They will investigate the many differences between urban and rural Brazil, studying the lives of people living within Rio de Janeiro and the Caboclo river people. Pupils will begin to recognise the issues and challenges facing future generations concerning the loss of the rainforest, but will also see the need to feed the world’s people.


We learn about the earliest people known to have lived in our country and how people survived. We investigate what the world was like during the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, including learning about Cheddar Man. We also learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.  



Areas of study include:

  • Number
    • Place value
    • Addition and subtraction
    • Multiplication and division
    • Fractions
  • Measurement
    • Length and perimeter
    • Mass and capacity
    • Money
    • Time
  • Statistics
  • Geometry
    • Shape


Click here for the programmes of study.



A new start; the calendar and celebrations; animals the pupils like and don't like; carnival and numbers; fruits and vegetables and the hungry giant; going on a picnic and aliens in Spain. 

Equal allocation of speaking, listening and reading and writing skills - children begin to notice how the sounds correlate to spelling in short common words and phrases. 



Pupils use the Charanga scheme of work and follow these units:
Autumn 1 - Let Your Spirits Fly
Autumn 2 - Glockenspiel Stage 1
Spring 1 - Three Little Birds
Spring 2 - The Dragon Song
Summer 1 - Bringing Us Together
Summer 2 - Reflect, Rewind and Replay 


Children develop their gymnastic skills using symmetry and changing face and direction in their routines on and off apparatus.  They also learn to respond and move to music to form different dance routines. For outdoor PE, children develop the skills they learned in key stage one and begin to learn how these fit into balls skill invasion games, net, wall and court games, striking and fielding games, football and athletics. 


Autumn 1 - athletics; OAA (Orienteering)

Autumn 2 - invasion - netball; gymnastics

Spring 1 - dance; fundamentals

Spring 2 - yoga; invasion - handball

Summer 1 - fitness; target - dodgeball

Summer 2 - net and wall - tennis; striking and fielding - cricket




Mental Wellbeing (Health and Wellbeing) – pupils learn about recognising and managing their feelings.
First Aid - pupils learn how to call for help during an emergency, details to give on a 999 call, in addition to some basic first aid for dealing with bites and stings.
Online Safety – pupils learn about sharing personal information, online protection, consent, stranger danger, bias and the digital media.
Physical Health (Health and Wellbeing) - pupils learn about life routines, healthy eating and hygiene.
Friendship (Relationships) - pupils learn about different types of friendships, anti-bullying, stereotypes and keeping and maintaining friendships healthy.
Anti-Racism – pupils learn to define racism, how to recognise racism in different situations, and how to deal with situations they may find themselves in.
Family (Relationships) - pupils learn about different types of families and what makes a family, relationships within families and family diversity.
Living in wider world (Community) – pupils learn about the make-up of their community, belonging, how to help others, prejudice and finances. 


We follow both the Understanding Christianity and Discovery schemes of work for RE. Y3 focus on:
Religion: Hinduism (Diwali - would celebrating Diwali at home and in the community bring a feeling of belonging to a Hindu child?; Hindu beliefs - how can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?; Pilgrimage to the River Ganges - would visiting the River Ganges feel special to a non-Hindu?)
Religion: Christianity (Incarnation - what is the Trinity?; Gospel - what kind of world did Jesus want?; Salvation - why do Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'?) 


Rocks and Soils - children begin to compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. They learn to describe how fossils are formed and recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. 
Forces and Magnets - children start to compare how things move on different surfaces and notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance.  They observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others.  Children compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are magnetic, and identify some magnetic materials.  They learn to describe magnets as having two poles and make predictions about whether two magnets will attract or repel each other. 
Light and Shadow - children learn that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. They learn that light from the sun can be dangerous and how to protect their eyes. They also learn how shadows are formed and find patterns in the way they change. 
Animals Including Humans - children learn that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition and that they cannot make their own food. The learn that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement. 
Plants - children identify and describe the function of different parts of flowering plants and explore the requirements of plants for life and growth.  They explore the way in which water is transported within plants and learn about the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants.


Click here for the programmes of study.
