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Sports Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Vision: ALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

Objective: To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools. 


Key Indicators:

  • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

  • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

  • The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

  • Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

  • Increased participation in competitive sport


Key achievements to date until July 2023Areas for further improvement and baseline of evidence of need  

Embedded fit spurts to include discrete teaching of rules, tactics

and strategies as well as exposure to footage of professional athletes and sportsmen/women in action

Increased use of the Creation Station, Creature Feature and Enchanted Garden across a range of subject areas.

Physical activities led by Sports’ Leaders and C4L Champions during lunchtimes and the introduction of Girls’ Football Activators 

All year groups were given opportunities to take part in competitive sports through virtual tournaments and live events.

The school achieved the Platinum Sportsmark

Increased staff confidence

The school won the Handsworth Grange School Games Hub Award in the Sheffield Schools Get Active Award

Continue to improve all pupils’ physical activity levels throughout the school day.

Raise the profile of Sports’ Leaders, C4L Champions and Girls’ Football Activators at unstructured times. 

Formalise a boys’ and girls’ football team in KS2

Ensure the outdoor areas are used to increase active learning.

Ensuring staff confidence in delivering PE remains high through the use of team teaching with a sports coach.

Vary the range of physical activities on offer to encourage more pupils to access extracurricular provision.

Establish the school as the new snooker hub for the local area


Academic Year: 2023-2024

Total amount carried forward from 2022-2023: £10,861

Total Fund Allocated for 2021-2022: £21,223

Total to be spent by 31st July 2022: £32,084

Last Updated:  July 2024


Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?

13% (based on figures from Y3 lessons)

31% (based on Y6 parental survey)

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?

23% (based on Y3 lessons)

34% (based on Y6 parental survey)

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?

0% (lesson not taught during Y3 lessons due to pandemic)

21% (based on Y6 parental survey)

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?














Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sportAll teaching of PE to be good or better which will impact upon pupils’ enjoyment and engagement in sports.

Audit of staff confidence in teaching different aspects of PE


Use of a sports coach and specialist tutors for curriculum support during PE lessons

HG £500*

Forge £436*

Qualitas sports coach £1949*

Release £1000*



Percentage of total allocation:

£3885 = 12%

Competency survey for staff to assess the impact of CPD.

Monitoring of lessons by the Theme Team.

Sustainable through Community Action Theme Team’s budget in terms of scheme of work.

Theme Team ‘specialists’ to deliver future CPD at no additional cost.

Monitor evaluation for evidence of PE.

The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

Helping all pupils engage in regular physical activity throughout the school day.

Improvement in children’s overall fitness and health by giving all pupils more 

access to learning outdoors. 

Encouraging all pupils to take part in a physical extracurricular activity.

Encouraging all pupils to be active outside of school.

One session per week dedicated to outdoor learning, led by our Level 3 Forest School Practitioners

Participate in the WOW Challenge and raise profile of WOW Ambassadors

Identify and train new C4L Champions for lunch time activities

Employ sports coach for four lunchtimes to run physical activities

Identify and train new Sports Leaders in each year group for PE lessons and structured lunchtime activities

Girls’ Football Activators to run football sessions in KS1 over lunchtime

Forge £436*

HG £500*

Qualitas £1949*

Water Bottles


Sports Leader T-shirts £125*

C4L Tabards £75*

Equipment £250*

Bikeability £1255

ActivAll £1000*


Percentage of total allocation:

£5740 = 18%

Regular monitoring of outdoor learning, C4L Champions, sports leaders and football activators

Monitoring of the number of pupils attending an extra-curricular club.


Initial investments made for infrastructure of outdoor learning areas so these are sustainable going forward.


The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Development of pupils’ love of sport, physical activity and outdoor learning.

Improvement in children’s overall fitness.

Embed the use of sports’ leaders in each year group as a specific pupil responsibility during PE lessons. 

Embed the use of C4L Champions during lunchtimes. 

Improving physical activity across the curriculum.

Use of ‘fit spurts’ over five sessions each week

Celebrate achievements with Wall of Fame, Twitter, YouTube Channel and Facebook

Train new C4L Champions, Sports Leaders and Girls’ Football Activators

Employ a sports’ coaches to work alongside teachers and to promote school sports

Forge £436*

HG £500*

Qualitas £1949*

Sports Leader T-shirts £125*

C4L tabards £75*

Equipment £250*

ActivAll £1000*


Percentage of total allocation:

£4335 = 13%

Pupil Voice re love of sports and physical activity.


Theme Team to focus on improving physical activity across the curriculum.


Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Creation of further opportunities for all pupils to experience different sports/activities through PE lessons, enrichment activities and extracurricular clubs.

Select a more varied range of after-school clubs from SSP and Qualitas


Encourage own staff to run a wider range of clubs


Source additional range of activities for Fitness Funday

Forge £436*

HG £500*

Qualitas £1949*

Athlete £500

Release £1000*

Fitness Funday £750

Equipment £250*

Comps/festivals £750*

ActivAll £1000*


Percentage of total allocation:

£7135 = 22%

Monitor participation and enjoyment in new clubs/experiences.


Theme Team’s ‘specialists’ and staff to run clubs with time in lieu given; third of the cost of buying in external experts.

Increased participation in competitive sport

Increase in the number of opportunities for pupils to compete against each other and against pupils in other schools.


Provide more virtual competitions during PE lessons to enable all pupils to participate.

Participate in festivals/tournaments in the locality


Run intra and virtual competitions within year groups every half term with the final PE lesson being dedicated to this

Form a boys' and girls' football team

Set up the school as a hub for Sheffield snooker

Daily ActivAll tournament in Breakfast Club


Coaches £3750

Sports Entry £110

Forge £436*

HG £500*

Qualitas £1949*

Release £1000*

Football kit £1500

Equipment £250*

Comps/festivals £750*

ActivAll £1000*


Percentage of total allocation:

£11245 = 35%

Pupil voice about participation in events.


Increase in virtual competitions means no future costs for release or coaches, making competitive sports more sustainable.

* denotes that funding has been split across key indicators 


Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Autumn 1 - the Qualitas sports coach worked alongside three Y3 teachers, supporting them in the delivery of athletics.  Staff found that they had an improved understanding of the progression of skills in this unit and were given strategies to increase a competitive element into each lesson.  The two PE leaders attended the annual Sports Conference where best practice was shared and connections were made with a number of providers, including UDoIt Dance.

Autumn 2 - the Qualitas coach continued working with Y3 teachers, this term, supporting gymnastics. Teachers found it useful in understanding how to adapt apparatus to meet different needs, how to keep the flow of the lesson going and gained a better awareness of the importance of spending more time on technique and repetition in order to get the most out of the intended outcomes.

One of our Assistant Headteachers had some basketball training from the Forge SSP coach with a view to running a KS2 club next term.

Spring 1 - three Y5 teachers had curriculum support from the Qualitas coach in fitness; this gave them strategies to motivate pupils to push themselves for better ‘personal bests’ and additional ideas for fitness circuits.   One of our teachers attended a full day’s training for NFL which has given him the key skills and knowledge to run a club in the summer term.

Spring 2 - the sports coach continued working with Y5 teachers, this half term, covering the unit of badminton. Teachers gained a better awareness of the different stroke techniques and learnt how to organise thirty pupils into playing a game of badminton.

Summer 1 - four Y1 teachers received curriculum support in net and wall games; this helped them with their confidence in teaching tennis and allowed them to build upon the skills taught to the pupils week by week.

Summer 2 - the Y1 teachers continued to receive curriculum support from the sports coach in athletics, which gave them strategies to adapt and change the lesson quickly based on the children's skill levels and to simplify instructions for games and techniques. In addition to this, our Y1 ECT also attended a full day’s PE CPD; her formal observation in July showed a strength in subject knowledge and in particular, the progression of key skills within the lesson.  Our PE leader supported nine SCL students in July, with an overview of the PE curriculum at our school, planning support and formal observations of both him leading a PE lesson then him observing the students and giving structured feedback.

The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

Autumn 1 - all pupils participated in the WOW challenge, recording the number of times they have walked to school this half term.   New Sports Leaders and C4L Champions were selected and the former attended two two-hour sessions of training by the Qualitas sports coach; rotas were then put in place for these pupils to lead active games during lunchtimes; sports’ leaders also started delivering warm-up activities in PE lessons.  New starters in Reception were provided with a free water bottle and encouraged to bring this into school every day.  The sports coach spent four lunchtimes per week refereeing football matches and encouraging active participation from all pupils in KS2.  A TA also ran a skipping club each lunchtime. Pupils were encouraged to send in photographs of themselves being active outside of school and these were displayed prominently in the main corridor.  Y1 pupils took part in weekly Forest School sessions and pupils in years 3, 5 and 6 had access to outdoor learning opportunities in the various areas around school - the Creature Feature, Butterfly Garden and Creation Station.

This made learning more active and helped raise engagement levels.  

Y2 pupils took part in a Bikeability course using balance bikes.

Autumn 2 - the sports coach encouraged daily football sessions during lunchtimes in KS2.  New Change 4 Life Champions had two two-hour training sessions with the Qualitas sports coach, looking at how to engage younger pupils in physical activities. Sports Leaders and Change 4 Life Champions engaged FS, KS1 and KS2 pupils in physical games during lunchtime - tag, skipping and ball games; pupil voice showed that these activities were proving to be very popular and pupils cited being ‘out of breath’ after taking part.  The Girls’ Football Activators worked with Y3 girls during autumn 2, leading activities to improve skills of dribbling and passing. The girls were also given opportunities to play in matches and found these beneficial as stated ‘boys don’t pass the ball to them’ when they play mixed matches. 

ActivAll Boards were installed at the end of the half term, for pupils to use across the school day, including a daily tournament in Breakfast Club.

Spring 1 - the Forge SSP coach provided further training for the Change 4 Life Champions, Sports Leaders and Girls’ Football Activators; these pupils have continued to promote physical activities during lunch times and football intake has increased as a result of the activators encouraging girls to take part; Sports Leaders now have activity cards to use which have improved structure to warm-ups and they have also introduced certificates for sporting champions in PE lessons.  The weekly newsletter has been regularly used to promote sporting clubs for pupils to join in the local area.  The Creation Station has been used by Y3 and Y4 for some outdoor learning sessions.

Spring 2 - the girls’ football activators led England Football’s ‘Let Girls Play’ session in March to encourage more girls to play.  Sports leaders and C4L Champions also continued their daily activities during lunchtimes, promoting physical activity, especially along those least active.  ActivAll Boards continued to prove popular in the Breakfast Club with an increasing number of pupils getting involved in the daily battle.

Summer 1 - pupils continue to be encouraged to stay active both in school and at home with regular signposting to various sporting clubs on our weekly newsletter. Sports Leaders, Change 4 Life Champions and the girls’ Football Activators continue to have a high profile, supporting and encouraging pupils to be active at lunchtimes.  The PE leader took five new girls’ Football Activators for training in May.

Summer 2 - the whole school took part in the Mayor’s Walk and Wheel Challenge with weekly tweets encouraging #funkyfeetfriday.  Outdoor learning and Forest School activities continued, together with a Chatsworth TakeOver week, where all pupils spent much of their time outdoors, taking part in various activities and keeping active. Pupils with sporting responsibilities continued to encourage their peers to keep active at lunch times.

The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Autumn 1 - a number of programmes were booked for the coming academic year, to encourage pupils to get involved in various physical activities, such as the Kinder of Joy with SUFC and a five-week dance programme culminating in a performance at the Arena.  The school also ordered two mobile ActivAll Boards to make physical activity more high profile across the school. 

As well as weekly PE lessons, pupils took part in ten-minute fit spurts five times each week to increase physical activity throughout the day.

Autumn 2 - in addition to publishing on our YouTube channel, Twitter and Facebook, whole-school celebration assemblies were also used to promote sporting activities such as a Y4 child competing in a national ice-skating competition and the Y5 dance troupe performing at the Arena.  The ActivAll Boards were used daily in Breakfast Club as part of a daily tournament with a daily winner being ‘crowned’.  Pupil and staff voice about the Sports Leaders, Change 4 Life Champions and Girls’ Football Activators leading physical activities over lunchtime was extremely positive with more and more pupils taking part in these.

Spring 1 - sporting achievements continue to be celebrated on various social media platforms with parents regularly sharing their children’s photographs.  Sports Leaders, Change 4 Life Champions and Girls’ Football Activators are embedded and have a good presence during unstructured times which has encouraged more children to be active.  Parents have been offered free tickets to see the Sheffield Hatters and pupils have been invited to enter two sports’ related art competitions -  Design a Football and Schools’ Football Week Big Competition.

Spring 2 - the PESSPA toolkit was RAG rated by the PE Leaders and deputy headteacher, and shared with Learn Sheffield; the school was able to demonstrate ‘exemplary’ practice in a number of areas. Pupils with sporting responsibilities continued to have an impact upon physical activity during unstructured times and a growing number of tournaments and competitions were attended.

Summer 1 - the Headteacher and PE Leader took two pupils from our own snooker club to The Crucible to interview some of the snooker players prior to the World Snooker Championship; this was then added to their official YouTube channel, tweeted and played in our whole school assembly.  Various social media channels continued to be used to highlight pupils’ achievements outside of school, including a Y4 child who has recently been selected to join a Basic Novice Synchronised Skating team, despite being under age.

Summer 2 - Fitness Funday celebrated sporting activities across the whole school, with parents being invited to watch. Sporting achievements continued to be celebrated on social media, including one of our Y5 pupils signing for Sheffield United.  The headteacher and PE leader took their snooker club pupils on a trip to the Stephen Harrison Academy.

Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

Autumn 1 - sports’ clubs restarted with two outside agencies offering a Y2 multi-skills club, Y4 dodgeball club and Y6 basketball club. Staff ran clubs for Y1 Forest Schools, Y2 scootering, Y3 dance and healthy eating and Y5/6 football.  The headteacher also started a morning snooker club every Friday.  All Y2 pupils took part in a session of bike-a-mentals in September, helping them improve their balancing skills through gymnastics, before practising on the bikes. Pupils also attended a number of non-competitive events: Y5/6 team building at EIS; KS2 inclusive tag rugby event; Y1 multi-skills festival.

Autumn 2 - Y6 pupils attended their 3-day residential where they were able to take part in a number of new sporting activities, such as rifle shooting, grass sledging, tug of war, hammer throwing and the zip wire.  After-school clubs in Y3 benchball, Y2/3 yoga,  Y5/6 football, Y1 multi-skills Y5 gymnastics were led by sports coaches and staff and the Y6 morning snooker club continued with the headteacher.   Thirty Y5 pupils took part in weekly dance lessons which culminated in a performance at the Arena in December.  The headteacher met with a representation of the Snooker Federation with a view to the school becoming a local hub.

Spring 1 - various sporting after-school clubs have taken place this half term: Y1/2 dance, Y3/4 dance, Y3/4 badminton and Y4 gymnastics.  During lunchtimes, the Qualitas sports coach has organised daily football matches for KS2 pupils.  Pupils have had the opportunity to attend a variety of non-competitive festivals, including a Y2 multi-sports event and a Y2/3 movement festival, both held at the local high school.  The two PE leaders have been proactively organising the summer term’s Fitness Funday with a variety of outside companies and coaches having already been booked, including Kids Love Yoga, SWFC and Karate Zone.

Spring 2 - sporting after-school clubs took place, run by sports coaches and teaching staff: Y1 dance, Y1 gymnastics, Y2 Forest School, Y3/4 badminton, Y5/6 football, Y6 ActivAll Boards.  The headteacher also continued his KS2 snooker club before school on Fridays.  Y2 pupils took part in two athletics tournaments and Y4 attended the SYSP Activity Day.  Y3/4 gifted and talented footballers were given the opportunity to attend Billy Sharp’s Football Academy for a taster session.

Summer 1 - extracurricular school clubs this half term were led by staff and sports coaches: Foundation dance, Y1 scootering, Y2 ball games, Y2 forest schools, Y3/4 cricket, Y3/4 outdoor learning, Y5/6 NFL, Y5/6 rounders, Y56 netball and Y6 snooker.  Some of our Y4/5 pupils had the opportunity to take part in Ninja Warriors and really gained in confidence over the course of the day.   Y3/4 pupils attended a cricket festival and displayed incredible teamwork and sportsmanship.

Summer 2- the whole school took part in Fitness Funday, with numerous agencies running a carousel of activities, including karate, cricket, yoga and football.  The following after-school clubs took place this half term: Foundation dance, Y1/2 athletics, Y3/4 cricket, Y4/5 skateboarding, Y4/5/6 rounders, Y5/6 football and KS2 ball games as well as Y6 snooker before school every Friday.  Unfortunately, due to poor weather, a number of sporting experiences were cancelled with very short notice, including Y4 cricket and Y5 tri-golf.

Increased participation in competitive sport

Autumn 1 - Forge’s new competition calendar was shared with all staff, with key contacts identified for each upcoming event.  Football teams were set up for Y5 and Y6 pupils (both boys and girls) and a number of fixtures took place; Y6 boys came second in the league, losing to a one-goal difference; Y5 boys won their match comfortably and the Y5/6 girls were defeated 3:0.  Parents were invited to attend an intra-competition in the final week of the half term when the Y5/6 pupils attending the after-school football club competed against one another.

Autumn 2 - our pupils were awarded ‘Most Supportive School’ in the dance competition at the Arena and one of our pupils was given ‘Dancer of the Day’.  Y4 pupils and Y5 pupils took part in two separate basketball tournaments; Y3 competed in a football competition and won the tournament; Y5 and Y6 pupils took part in a football competition - the latter won their games; Y5/6 pupils attended indoor athletics and came third in their heat.  Daily ActivAll competitions started for pupils attending Breakfast Club, with a running leaderboard.

Spring 1 - the ActivAll Boards continue to be a competitive addition to our daily Breakfast Club, with pupils queuing to take part each day.  Pupils in Y4/5 attended the first round of a climbing competition - results are yet to be published for this but pupils demonstrated great sportsmanship. Y4 pupils attended a handball competition, Y5 pupils took part in a netball competition, where they drew three games and lost three.  Y4/5 pupils competed in the swimming competition, Aquafest; the school came fourth but two of our pupils won their respective races.

Spring 2 - Y5 pupils took part in the HotShots basketball competition; Y3/4 competed in a handball competition, with Y4 pupils winning some of their games.   Y5/6 girls took part in a football tournament and won their pool without conceding a goal.  The girls also took part in and won the football league with a +3 goal difference and will now progress to the city finals.  Y5 boys also won their league and will also now progress to the city finals.

Summer 1 - as well as attending various non-competitive festivals, the girls’ and boys’ football teams took part in a number of competitions. In the final, the boys won their league, never conceded a goal and came second across the whole city.  The girls won league two, winning every game.  Y6 pupils took part in the Sheffield City Heats for athletics and qualified for the finals in June, winning some events for the first time this year.

Summer 2 - our Fitness Funday included new races for Y5 and Y6 this year, to allow all pupils to compete against one another, rather than just experience a range of sporting activities; this proved to be popular and will form the basis of next year’s sports days.  Unfortunately, due to poor weather, there was very little participation in other competitive sports this half term. 


Date of next review: October 2024



  • Allocation and impact of the Sports Premium is monitored closely by Governors in the Curriculum and Standards Committee each term to ensure that the improvements are sustainable.
  • Staff are regularly audited with regards to their teaching skills in PE and CPD is then organised to ensure that there is a good quality of provision.
  • Pupils are interviewed regularly for their views on sport, both in the curriculum and outside of school.
  • The school continues to ensure they work towards the School Sports Gold Mark each year.
  • Each key indicator above includes information regarding sustainability measures. 