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At Athelstan, we take great pride in the support which we offer our pupils and families.  Our aim is to recognise, understand and then address any barriers,  in a supportive manner. Our provision includes a large pastoral team, who are dedicated to supporting our learners with their academic needs, as well as their social and emotional well-being. Interventions are designed to support any pupil experiencing a barrier to learning and extra support is provided by key adults. This includes unstructured times of the school day, if needed. For pupils experiencing issues with friendships, we design friendship circles and social skills groups around the pupil, to support them. These positively impact on pupils, providing reassurance and support.

Sheffield Children's Hospital and Sheffield City Council have developed resources for families, children and young people who may be on the waiting list for an assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), other neurodevelopmental conditions or may already have a diagnosis.  We know that the time before and after assessment can be a difficult and frustrating situation for children and families, and have provided these resources to help.  There are a number of pages filled with resources to manage difficulties around sleep, behaviour, emotional well-being, sensory issues, going back to school, COVID-19 and the assessment process itself.  There are quick reference sheets, top tips, booklet, guides and videos across all the topics for a range of ages.  If you would like a paper copy of the summary booklet, then please call 0114 271 7656.  For more information, click on the link below.  

SEN Information Report 2024
