School Streets is a pioneering approach to transforming road safety and air quality outside schools, whereby they are closed to traffic at the start and end of the school day. This helps to reduce congestion and improve air quality at the school gates, making it easier and safer to walk or cycle to school, creating a more pleasant environment for everyone.
We were chosen as a location of a school street, with Richmond Park Drive and Richmond Park Way being closed to traffic from its junction with Richmond Park Close.
The closure began in 2022 and operates for approximately 60 minutes at the start and end of the school day. The scheme is delivered in partnership with Modeshift STARS Accreditation for schools, in order to encourage active travel to school, reduce car trips and minimise the displacement of traffic and parking onto nearby streets.
How does School Street work?
Richmond Park Drive is closed to vehicular traffic from its junction with Richmond Park Close. The closure operates Monday to Friday during school term time.
Closure times are 8:00am to 9:00am and 2:45pm to 3:45pm
During these times vehicular traffic is prohibited. Exceptions apply: Blue badge holders, permit holders, emergency vehicles, deliveries. Residents living within the closed area are exempt and will receive a permit to allow access. The closure points are staffed by trained marshals.
Existing parked vehicles are able to leave the area - marshals remove the barrier to facilitate this. We do ask residents to limit their vehicle movements at these times. Outside these closure times, normal traffic movements remain.
Frequently Asked Questions
“What does the closure look like?”
At the closure point, there are signs either side of the road, stating a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone, along with the times the closure is in place. There is also a physical barrier put out by trained staff who will be marshalling the closure whilst it is in operation.
“How does the closure affect my journey?”
Families who normally drive to school are unable to drive along this section of road; they have to park further away and walk to the school gates. We are currently working with local businesses for their support in the use of their car parks during the closure times. Due to limited traffic on the road, cycling to school will be much safer and families choosing to walk and scoot to school will have a cleaner, quieter journey.
“What if myself or my child is disabled?”
Blue badge holders will be exempt and just need to present themselves to the road closure marshal to gain access.
“Will Emergency vehicles be able to get through the closure?”
Yes, emergency vehicles will be given access.
“Can we walk and play in the road?”
No. Pedestrians and children on scooters need to use the pavement as usual, whilst cyclists can utilise the road (which will hopefully be much safer due to the reduction in vehicles). There may still be some vehicle movement due to residents and deliveries etc.
“What other parking restrictions are there around school?”
There are very few other parking restrictions in the area, but we ask that you always park considerately and safely. Please do not block residential driveways or access, obstruct pavements or the visibility of other road users.
“I would like to volunteer as a marshal, who do I contact?”
If you are interested in helping the school maintain their school street and would like to volunteer, please contact Lisa Watson: in the first instance.
Modeshift STARS
Modeshift STARS is the national schools' award scheme that has been established to recognise schools that have demonstrated excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. The scheme encourages schools across the country to join in a major effort to increase levels of sustainable and active travel in order to improve the health and well-being of children and young people.
We have received both the Bronze and Silver Awards, and are currently working towards Gold. Our school demonstrates a commitment to promoting sustainable transport and has been able to identify travel issues and solutions as well as delivering a range of travel initiatives.
Please click on the link below to find out more about the Modeshift STARS scheme.