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Crucible Co-operative Learning Trust


                              Our school is a member of the Crucible Co-operative Learning Trust. 

                              The member schools are Athelstan Primary School,

                              Ballifield Primary School and Brunswick Primary School.


Trust Vision


In order to improve life opportunities for all children, and their achievement and attainment we will:


  • Build a strong sense of community where children and adults work together to help one another learn and improve
  • Further develop our long term, sustainable relationships with partners - by using our combined experience and expertise to strengthen leadership and governance and raise standards  
  • Embed co-operative values into the curriculum, life and those of our schools

The Trust has a Board of Trustees consisting of the Headteachers and Chair of Governors from each of the member schools, chaired by Andy Wynne, Chair of Governors at Ballifield Primary School.  The Trustees meet formally once per term.  The Heads also meet regularly to discuss ways that all three schools can work together, to plan the Trust’s activities and to monitor progress. 


Since the Trust was formed, the Trust schools have achieved:


  • Joint schools’ choir and musicians performing at the official Trust launch 
  • Joint leadership development, including governor training sessions
  • Ballifield Primary and Athelstan Primary School have been inspected by Ofsted and were both rated as good
  • Cross moderation sessions with teachers across the Trust, assessing pieces of written work
  • Joint training days for Teachers and Teaching Assistants to improve Reading outcomes through vocabulary enrichment activities
  • ICT working party, working on assessment across the three schools
  • Science collaboration with children from Athelstan and Brunswick working together    


Parents and carers of children at schools within the Trust, and all members of staff, are automatically members of the Trust. 

As a Trust member, you are invited to the Annual General Meeting held each November. 


Andy Wynne, Trust Chair, will also produce a termly report for members, providing Trust updates and information.


The Trustee annual report has been filed with Companies House and is available upon request from the school office.


Trust Board Members
