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Eco Warriors

What is our role?

We are responsible for keeping our school as environmentally friendly as possible. We pick up litter and check on the use of lights around the school, switching them off when they’re not in use.  We also keep a check on the recycling bins to make sure they’re being used effectively. We often keep a check on the taps in school to ensure they are not being left on wasting water and check paper towels, to make sure they are not used excessively. We are also responsible for maintaining the planted areas around school so that we encourage insects and wildlife to visit our grounds and support our biodiversity.


A key part of our role is to demonstrate to others how to be environmentally friendly and look after our school. We hope to be positive role models to our peers.  We conduct community litter picks as often as possible, working in conjunction with our local ASDA store. Our aim to extend the protection of our environment into our local community and not just our school grounds. 


Who are we?

Our representatives for this 2024/2025 academic year are:

Y6 - Isabelle and Charlie
Y5 - Tise and Liam
Y4 - Eryan and Freya
Y3 - Joanna and Adam
Y2 - Roman and Saanvika

What is the Eco Code? 

The Eco Code is set by the Eco-Warriors and is a set of principles which we strive to live by within our school community.

What are we up to?

Athelstan Eco Warriors have organised lots of very exciting projects over the past few years.  We are very proud to have just been awarded with Green Flag status. This is the highest award we can receive and reflects the hard work we have put in over the past few years.  Please look out for our green flag which will be flying very proudly outside school.


For the past four years, we have organised and run the Christmas e-card project, where we have worked alongside the School Council to bring you a fantastic new approach to a more sustainable Christmas. We use photo booths to have our pictures taken and then show them as a slide show in the classrooms. We are extremely proud of our pupils for taking a stand against unnecessary waste at such an indulgent time for many, and we are so pleased to see everyone supporting us in embracing such an exciting project this Christmas.   


We also continue to promote our 'Living Streets WOW Challenge' in a bid to reduce more of our carbon footprint and become fitter and healthier. 


We have worked hard around school to try and maintain our outside areas by planting flowers and picking up litter. Inside school, we are always ready to turn off lights and taps when they are not needed. We also continue to set a good example to other pupils by being economical with paper towels and ensuring there is no rubbish left lying around school. 


We conduct assemblies to raise awareness of many local and global environmental issues. 


We have also spent time looking at other ways we could reduce waste around our school and have begun to look at what else we could start recycling. Next year we hope to implement much more recycling into the daily life of our school.

    Did you know?


    • 1 billion Christmas Cards will end up in bins the equivalent of 33 million trees!
    • It takes 1 tree to make 3,000 Christmas cards.
    • The total of card packaging used over Christmas could cover Big Ben 260,000 times.
    • If every single newspaper was recycled we could save 250 million trees every year.
    • The average family throws away 6 trees of paper a year – if we recycled all of this paper we would use 70% less energy than making it from raw materials.
    • Just one ton of recycled paper would save 17 trees.