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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5




Portraits - pupils focus on different areas of the face, developing their technique, and look at the work of local artist Pete McKee.
Greek Pottery - pupils create their own pottery designs linked to their history topic about the Ancient Greeks.  
African printmaking - pupils create their own volcanic landscape print.


Pupils are taught computing using the NCCE Teach Computing scheme.  This covers: recognising systems that enable searching on the internet; using software to produce videos and graphics; using selection in programming; using databases to order data and answer questions. 

Autumn 1 - Systems and searching
Autumn 2 - Video production
Spring 1 - Selection in physical computing
Spring 2 - Flat-tile databases
Summer 1 - Introduction to vector graphics
Summer 2 - Selection in quizzes



Mechanical Systems - Pulleys or Gears - linked to the science unit on forces. ;Pupils create a mechanical system, using a pulley or gear system.
Food Technology - culture and seasonality - linked to the history topic of Ancient Greece, pupils learn about how, where and when seasonal crops are grown and create a dish based on Greek cuisine.
Frame Structures - pupils learn how to reinforce structures to make them strong and durable; they design and create their own frame structure, such as a chair or a bridge



Every classroom strives to create and uphold a strong writing culture. In Y5, children continue to develop their familiarity with a range of genres and styles and with discussing and identifying the audience and purpose of a piece of writing. Our writing sessions encourage learners to develop flexibility in making choices about effective vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. We consolidate the use of different grammatical structures and devices to build cohesive sentences, paragraphs and texts. In Y5, we secure children’s editorial skills, asking them to consider the effectiveness of the choices they have made about vocabulary and structure.

Genres covered in Y5 writing may include: diary entries, myths and legends, balanced arguments, poetry, narratives in various genres, persuasive letters, explanation texts and non-chronological reports.


Click here for the programmes of study for English



The Earth's biomes: a fragile world? Pupils will learn about key aspects of the world's six major biomes before investigating how each biome is under threat and the conservation work that is being done to protect them.
How does migration affect people and places? Pupils will be introduced to the concept of push and pull factors as they learn about migration. The unit is set within the context of the USA before moving back to the UK and exploring more recent migration trends.
Why don't rivers run straight? Pupils learn about the rivers of Sheffield and how the course of a river changes from source to mouth, shaping the land as it flows.


In Year 5, we go back in time to Ancient Greece, focusing on Greek life and the achievements during this period.  We also look at the Kingdom of Benin between 1500 and 1750 AD and the impact of the slave trade.  Our final topic is a local area study, looking at Sheffield, the impact of steel and the spread of the railways.



Areas of study include:

  • Number
    • Place value
    • Addition and subtraction
    • Multiplication and division
    • Fractions
    • Decimals and percentages
    • Negative numbers
  • Measurement
    • Perimeter and area
    • Converting units
    • Volume
  • Statistics
  • Geometry
    • Shape
    • Position and direction


Click here for the programmes of study for Key Stage 1 and 2. 




Expanding vocabulary from Y3 and Y4; school and subjects; time in the city; going to the market and healthy eating; clothes; out of this world; going to the seaside.

Children fine-tune listening skills by listening to a native speaker having simple conversations.  They will also be able to speak about their likes and dislikes in full sentences, and are encouraged to use a bilingual dictionary.



Music is taught through the Charanga scheme of work. Pupils learn a range of skills through different pieces of music.
Autumn 1 - Living on a Prayer
Autumn 2 - Classroom Jazz 1
Spring 1 - Make You Feel My Love
Spring 2 - The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Summer 1 - Dancing in the Street 
Summer 2 - Reflect, Rewind and Replay


Children build on their experiences in the previous year groups for gymnastics and dance, creating more complicated routines and movements as well as building a greater understanding of games involving balls, nets, courts, teams and specific sports such as basketball, hockey and cricket. Athletics plays a big part in the children's learning in preparation for the district athletics competition in the summer.


Autumn 1 - athletics; gymnastics

Autumn 2 - invasion - tag rugby and netball

Spring 1 - fitness; yoga

Spring 2 - dance; target - dodgeball

Summer 1 - invasion - handball: net and wall - badminton

Summer 2 - OAA teambuilding; striking and fielding - cricket



Mental Wellbeing (Health and Wellbeing) – pupils learn about recognising and managing their feelings.
First Aid - pupils learn how to call for help during an emergency, details to give on a 999 call, in addition to some basic first aid for dealing with bleeding from a wound. 
Online Safety – pupils learn about sharing personal information, online protection, consent, stranger danger, bias and the digital media.
Physical Health (Health and Wellbeing) - pupils learn about life routines, healthy eating and hygiene.
Friendship (Relationships) - pupils learn about different types of friendships, anti-bullying, stereotypes and keeping and maintaining friendships healthy.
Anti-Racism – pupils learn to define racism, how to recognise racism in different situations, and how to deal with situations they may find themselves in.
Family (Relationships) - pupils learn about different types of families and what makes a family, relationships within families and family diversity.
Living in the wider world (Community) – pupils learn about the make-up of their community, belonging, how to help others, prejudice and finances.
Development and Puberty (Growing Up) - pupils look at how their bodies change, personal hygiene and get ready for the next chapter of their lives (linked to the science curriculum). 


We follow both the Understanding Christianity and the Discovery schemes of work for RE. Y5 focus on two religions:

Sikhism (Beliefs into action - how far would a Sikh go for his/her religion?; Beliefs and moral values - are Sikh stories important today?; Prayer and worship - what is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God?)
Christianity (Incarnation - was Jesus the Messiah? Salvation - what did Jesus do to save human beings? People of God - how can following God bring freedom and justice?) 


Forces  - children learn that objects fall towards the Earth because of the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling object. They learn about the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction, that act between moving surfaces.  Children learn that some mechanisms, including levers, pulleys and gears, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect.
Earth and space - children learn about the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system. They learn about the movement of the moon relative to the Earth and that the sun, Earth and moon are approximately spherical bodies. Children learn about the Earth's rotation, day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.
Animals including humans - children learn about the changes that occur as humans develop to old age, which includes those that happen during puberty. 
Properties of materials - children compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties and learn that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution; they also learn to describe how to recover a substance from a solution.  Children use their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated and learn that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes. Children learn that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible.  They learn to give reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular use of everyday materials. 
Living things and their habitats - children learn about the differences in the life cycle of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird and  about the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.
