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Who's Who

These are the fifteen people who make up the Governing Body of our school. They are parents, representatives of the local authority, the Co-Operative Trust of which we are a part, co-opted members and school staff.   Associate Governors do not having voting rights. 

 Derek Thompson - Chair of Governors

 Co-Opt Governor - appointed by FGB

 Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards; Engaging Learning; Strategic;   Community Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 11.09.20

 Term of Office: 4 years - 11.09.20 - 10.09.24

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 86%


 Sarah Wray - Vice Chair

 Trust Governor - appointed by the Trust

 Responsibilities/Committees: Engaging Learning; Core Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 11.09.20

 Term of Office: 4 years - 11.09.20 - 10.09.24

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 43%



 Fiona Barry


 Responsibilities/Committees: Strategic; Engaging Learning; Technology Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 01.01.20

 Term of Office: 4 years - 01.01.20 - 31.12.23

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 100%



Gay Birtles

Local Authority Governor - appointed by LA

Responsibilities/Committees: Engaging Learning; Technology Theme Team

Date Appointed: 04.10.17

Term of Office: 4 years - 04.10.21 - 03.10.25

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: Ballifield Primary School

Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 71%



David Fernley

Staff Governor - elected by staff

Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards; Curriculum Theme Team

Date Appointed: 11.10.19

Term of Office: 4 years - 11.10.19 - 10.10.23

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 100%



  Emma Fox

  Co-Opt Governor - appointed by FGB

  Responsibilities/Committees: Engaging Learning; Community Theme Team

  Date Appointed: 10.03.23

  Term of Office: 4 years - 10.03.23 - 09.03.27

  Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

  Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

  Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): N/A



 Richard Joel

 Co-Opt Governor - appointed by the FGB

 Responsibilities/Committees: Compliance; Curriculum Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 02.05.18

 Term of Office: 4 years - 01.05.22 - 30.04.26

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

                                Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

                                Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 100%


 Rochelle Kirk

 Co-Opt Governor - appointed by the FGB

 Responsibilities/Committees: Strategic; Engaging Learning; Core Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 02.05.18

 Term of Office: 4 years - 01.05.22 - 30.04.22

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 82%




 James Mills


 Responsibilities/Committees: Compliance; Strategic; Core Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 01.09.16

 Term of Office: 4 years - 01.09.20 - 31.08.24

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 100%


 Lisa Watson


 Responsibilities/Committees: Strategic; Curriculum & Standards; Community Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 01.01.20

 Term of Office: 4 years -01.01.20 - 31.12.23

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 100%



 Nicola Wilson

 Co-Opt Governor - appointed by FGB

 Responsibilities/Committees: Compliance; Community Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 31.01.22

 Term of Office: 4 years - 31.01.22 - 30.01.26

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 67%





Iffat Yasmin

 Parent Governor - appointed by Parents

 Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum and Standards

 Date Appointed: 07.02.24

 Term of Office: 4 years - 07.02.24 - 06.02.28

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): N/A






Governors have no relationship with members of the school.


CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW to view our governor profiles. 

Former Members of the Governing Body


The people below have been members of the Governing Body within the last 12 months.











Robert Nettleship 

Parent Governor - elected by parents

 Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards; Technology Theme Team

 Date Appointed: 27.02.23

 Term of Office: 4 years - 27.02.23 - 26.02.27

 Date of Leaving: 21.07.23

 Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: 

 Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: 

 Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): N/A




Osman Ahmed

Parent Governor - Appointed by governing body/board due to no election candidates

Responsibilities/Committees: Engaging Learning

Date Appointed: 02.11.22

Term of Office: 4 years -  02.11.22 - 01.11.26

Date of Leaving: 16.01.23

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: 

Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: 

Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): N/A










Waqas Hameed  

Associate Governor - appointed by FGB

Responsibilities/Committees: Curriculum & Standards; Curriculum Theme Team 

Date Appointed: 16.09.21

Term of Office: 4 years - 16.09.21 - 15.09.25 

Date of Leaving: 02.02.23

Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: None

Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments: None

Meetings attended in the previous academic year (FGB & Committees): 43%





