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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4




Portraits - the children focus on facial features and proportions, thinking about the influence of Leonardo Da Vinci.  
Environmental Art - the children create sculptures to show their awareness of how plastics are damaging our oceans.
Mosaics - as part of the topic about the local area.


Pupils are taught computing using the NCCE Teach Computing scheme.  This covers: recognising the internet is a network of networks; manipulating digital audio and photos; using repetition in programming; collecting data overtime to carry out investigations.   

Autumn 1 - Repetition in shapes
Autumn 2 - Photo editing
Spring 1 - The internet
Spring 2 - Data logging
Summer 1 - Repetition in games
Summer 2 - Audio production


Food Technology - a healthy and varied diet.  Pupils design and create a healthy pizza pocket cooked over the firepit in the Creation Station.
Electrical Systems - simple circuits and switches.  Pupils design and create a night light for a toddler.
Textiles - 2D shape to 3D product.  Pupils design and create an Anglo-Saxon purse, linked to their history topic.



Every classroom strives to create and uphold a strong writing culture. In Y4, children continue to develop their familiarity with a range of genres and styles by exploring features commonly found in different writing types. Our writing sessions help children to develop their sentences by using an increasing variety of grammatical structures and devices. Children should now be able to group their writing into paragraphs and use a range of organisational devices in non-fiction genres. In Y4, children will also develop their skills as editors, returning to their writing to see where they can revise and improve its effectiveness. 

Genres covered in Y4 writing may include: instructional writing, persuasive adverts and letters,, news reports, narratives in a range of genres, poetry, and reviews.


Click here for the programmes of study for English




How do mountains and volcanoes affect the lives of people who live there? Pupils will be introduced to plate tectonics, learning how mountains and volcanoes are formed, before examining why people make their homes close to active volcanoes. 
How sustainable is our community? Pupils will be introduced to the concept of sustainability and sustainable development. They will learn about some of the world's natural resources, before considering the advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Pupils will study examples of sustainable developments in order to determine how sustainable the community is.
How and why is our local area changing? Why do places change? Places are always changing and for a variety of reasons: some are forced to change as a result of natural disasters, whilst others change due to increasing populations or prosperity. Pupils will look at a range of localities before using their fieldwork skills to identify how and why their local area is changing.


We learn about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, including King Athelstan.  We also focus on Ancient civilisations, in particular, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Sumer.   Our final topic is a local study, entitled, 'How significant is Handsworth Road in the history of Sheffield?'



Areas of study include:

  • Number
    • Place value
    • Addition and subtraction
    • Multiplication and division
    • Fractions
    • Decimals
  • Measurement
    • Area
    • Length and perimeter
    • Money
    • Time
  • Statistics
  • Geometry
    • Shape
    • Position and direction


Click here for the programmes of study.




Revision of vocabulary from Y3 scheme; welcome to my school; my town, your town; family trees and faces; faces and body parts; feeling unwell and jungle animals; the weather; ice-cream. 

Children are introduced to basic sentence grammar during this year, in order to structure simple sentences of their own. By the end of Year 4, it is expected that children should be able to read a short paragraph containing familiar words and understand it. 



Pupils learn different musical terms and are introduced to an eclectic range of music through Charanga, singing and using percussion instruments. 

Autumn 1 - Mamma Mia

Autumn 2 - Glockenspiel Stage 2

Spring 1 - Stop!

Spring 2 - Lean On Me

Summer 1 - Blackbird

Summer 2 - Reflect, Rewind and Replay



Children build on their experiences in the previous year groups for gymnastics and dance, creating more complicated routines and movements.  They also extend their skills in net, court and wall games, problem solving and inventing games, invasion games and striking and fielding games. In addition to this, the children in Year 4 have eighteen weeks of swimming lessons.


Autumn 1 - swimming; invasion - hockey

Autumn 2 - invasion - football; swimming

Spring 1 - gymnastics; OAA teambuilding

Spring 2 - ball skills; athletics

Summer 1 - net and wall - tennis; dance

Summer 2 - striking and fielding - rounders; target - golf



Mental Wellbeing (Health and Wellbeing) – pupils learn about recognising and managing their feelings.
First Aid - pupils learn how to call for help during an emergency, details to give on a 999 call, in addition to some basic first aid for dealing with asthma. 
Online Safety – pupils learn about sharing personal information, online protection, consent, stranger danger, bias and the digital media.
Physical Health (Health and Wellbeing) - pupils learn about life routines, healthy eating and hygiene.
Friendship (Relationships) - pupils learn about different types of friendships, anti-bullying, stereotypes and keeping and maintaining friendships healthy.
Anti-Racism – pupils learn to define racism, how to recognise racism in different situations, and how to deal with situations they may find themselves in.
Family (Relationships) - pupils learn about different types of families and what makes a family, relationships within families and family diversity.
Living in wider world (Community) – pupils learn about the make-up of their community, belonging, how to help others, prejudice and finances.


We follow both the Understanding Christianity and Discovery schemes of work for RE. Y4 focus on:
Religion: Judaism (Beliefs and Practices - how special is the relationship Jews have with God?; Passover - how important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?; Rites of Passage and good works - what is the best way for a Jew to show commitment to God?)
Religion: Christianity (Incarnation - what is the Trinity?; Salvation - why do Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday?'; People of God - what kind of world did Jesus want?) 


States of Matter - children compare and group materials together according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases. They learn that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled and measure or research the temperature at which this happens.  They also identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature. 
Animals Including Humans  - children learn how to describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans and identify different types of teeth. They also learn to construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.
Living things and their Habitats - children learn how to recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways, and explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.  They learn that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.  
Electricity - children construct a simple series electrical circuit , identifying and naming its basic parts. They learn about switches and whether a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not it is part of a complete loop with a battery. Children also learn about some common conductors and insulators and identify common appliances that run on electricity. 
Sound - children learn how sounds are made, associating them with vibrations from sounds which travel through a medium to the ear.  They find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it and patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.  Children learn that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.


Click here for the programmes of study.
