One of the most important things you can do for your child’s future is to make sure they attend school, on time, every day!
Each term we celebrate children who have 100% attendance and children with outstanding attendance of 98% and above. At the end of the school year children with 100% attendance receive a special badge.
If your child is unable to attend school we would ask that you contact school by telephone on the morning of the first day of absence. We have an answer phone and your message will be picked up from there. It is really important we know where your child is if they are not in school. School telephone number 0114 2692301.
We would ask that whenever possible you try to make appointments outside of school hours. If an appointment during school time is necessary, please let the school know in advance. Children must always be collected by an adult from school, as children are not allowed to leave the school premises alone during the school day.
Parents and carers requesting exceptional leave during term time should complete a request form (available from the main school office or download from this website) and return to the school office a minimum of 20 days in advance of the leave. A decision will be made by the school within 10 days. Leave will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
Please click below for a copy of the policy. If the requested leave is not authorised, and the child is still taken out of school, the parent/carer may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice. Click here for more information and a request form.
Naturally, we hope that children will arrive at school on time and be registered in their classrooms at 8.45 a.m. On occasions when this is not possible we would always rather that a child be late, rather than absent for the whole day. If a child arrives later than 8.45 a.m. they should enter school via the main entrance and inform the office, so that they can be entered on the attendance and lunchtime registers.
If you have any difficulties surrounding attendance please speak to Fiona Barry, Deputy Headteacher. We may be able to help.