For the first time, all parents/carers now have access to the booking section in sQuid, therefore if you would like your child to attend breakfast club and they haven’t been before, you do not need to contact the office to request access first.
Booking slots for after the Christmas holidays are now available to book via the bookings tab on your sQuid account. Breakfast Club is strictly by pre-booking only.
Please note, sessions cannot be booked after 8am on the day before the day you wish to book. For example, if you wish to book your child a place for Tuesday 3rd January, you would need to book the place no later than 8am on Monday 2nd January.
Further information about breakfast club, including our terms and conditions, can be found here:
How to Check Bookings
Please remember that children who arrive at breakfast club and have not been pre-booked via sQuid, will be turned away. Here’s how to double check the bookings you have made: