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Children in Need 2021

On Friday 19th November, we are holding a non-uniform fancy dress day, when children can wear anything: dress up clothes, pyjamas, or even just some Pudsey ears. A donation of £1 would be greatly appreciated; children can give this to their child’s class teacher.

Children in Y1-Y6 will also have the chance to win an awesome joke book. They can do this by guessing how many pages are in the book. It will be 50p for a guess.

  • Y3 and Y1 will be visited on Tuesday and Thursday
  • Y2 and Y4 on Monday and Wednesday
  • Y6 Monday and Tuesday
  • Y5 will be Wednesday and Thursday

On these days, members from the student council will visit your children to give them the chance of entering the competition.

If they would like to enter the competition, please can children bring their money to school in a named envelope.
