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HSA Secret Santa

We will be in school on Thursday 8th, Friday 9th and Monday 12th December for this year’s Secret Santa sales.

Presents are £2.00 each and there is no limit to the number of gifts each child can purchase.

Children will be able to buy gifts at lunchtime, in the junior hall. Please send your child with the correct money in a named envelope.

We look forward to helping the children choose a present for those special people in their lives. All presents will be wrapped and sent home with the children.


Thursday 8th December       Y2 and Y5

Friday 9th December           Y3 and Y4

Monday 12th December       Y6 plus we’ll be available for children in all year groups who have missed     out on previous days


Children in Foundation and Y1 will be able to purchase gifts on all of the above dates in the Launchpad area.

In addition to our usual Secret Santa gift sale, we also have a selection of handmade jewellery and gifts for sale in the office.
