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Pre-Loved School Uniform

One of our Y1 parents, Joanne Curren, very kindly runs a second-hand uniform ‘shop’, to raise funds for school, and to promote recycling and reusing resources.

If you would like to donate items, please bring then to the main office.

Joanne washes and stores the uniform in sizes, you can contact her on and request whatever uniform item you need.  Requests can also be made to Mrs Ahmed via the office.  If the item is in stock, you then collect it from school and make payment to the admin team.

Polo shirts 50p

Sweatshirts/cardigans £1

Trousers/skirts £1

Dresses 50p

P.E. items 50p

We think it’s a great idea; please support the ‘shop’ by both donating and buying pre-loved uniform.
