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Scholastic Book Fair

We will be holding a Scholastic Travelling Books fair in the infant dining room between 3.05pm and 3.45pm, on Friday 10th, Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th June. You will be able to enter school via the breakfast club doors.


Children will also be able to visit the book fair with their class during the week:

Thursday 9th June              Y3

Friday 10th June                 Y4

Monday 13th June               Y2 and Y5

Tuesday 14th June              Y1

Wednesday 15th June          Foundation & Y6


Every book purchased earns us free books for our school. Prices start at just £2.99 and there are a number of ways to pay.

  1. You can access the catalogue on the Scholastic website and pre-purchase books using this link: . Payments open today and must be completed by 3pm on Wednesday 15th June.
  2. You can also buy a pre-paid ‘gift card’ for your child with a set amount of money to spend at . You will simply need to show or print the confirmation email, or forward it to your child’s class teacher.
  3. If you prefer to send your child to school with money, please send them with coins or notes no larger than £5 in a named envelope.

For further information visit
