Please remember that when we return to school after the Easter holidays, the new road closure will be in place. Motor vehicles will not be permitted to enter the pedestrian zone between the dedicated times of 8 am to 9 am and 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm.
We have the support of the landlady of The New Anglers to use the car park behind the pub during these times - this is accessed via Richmond Park Close. Parents and carers must NOT, however, use the smaller car park accessed via Richmond Park Road as this is her own private driveway.
The manager of Asda has also agreed to the temporary use of their car park. Parents and carers must not exceed the 3 hour parking limit.
If you choose to park on one of the surrounding roads, please don’t block driveways or park on double yellow lines. If you have to drive, try to set off five minutes earlier to allow time to walk the rest of the way to school.