Each year group will be holding a showcase of their work, throughout the summer term. Showcases will now take place in classrooms, unless specified, between 2.30pm and 3.00pm.
Y1 to Y5, please come into school through the main reception, to sign in. Foundation parents and carers, please use the usual Foundation entrance. The showcases will be a showcase of work, with the children talking about what they have learnt. After the showcase there will be an informal meeting time, where parents and carers will be invited to stay and chat to a member of Senior Leadership Team if they wish.
At the end of the showcase, parents and carers should leave school and wait in the usual place to collect their children.
Year Group Date
Foundation Monday 24th June
Year 1 Wednesday 26th June
Year 2 Tuesday 25th June
Year 3 Thursday 27th June
Year 4 Monday 1st July
Year 5 Tuesday 2nd July
Year 6 Wednesday 26th June – Montgomery Theatre