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Y5/Y6 Art Exhibition

We will be holding a Y5/Y6 Art Exhibition and parents/carers are invited to visit. To ease congestion, slots have been allocated for each class. Parents/carers should enter school via the main reception area. At the end of each exhibition visit, staff will take the children back to their classroom, making room for the next group to arrive.

The times for each visit are as follows:

Tuesday 15th November

Y5LB            2.00pm to 2.15pm

Y5HB            2.20pm to 2.35pm

Y5W             2.40pm to 2.55pm


Thursday 17th November

Y6D              2.00pm to 2.15pm

Y6B              2.20pm to 2.35pm

Y6MT            2.40pm to 2.55pm   


Our Y5/Y6 Art Exhibition will be also available to view in the Junior Hall on both parents’/carers’ evenings.
