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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • WOW - The Year-Round Walk to School Challenge

    Fri 17 Dec 2021

    We are starting a new walk to school scheme in January: WOW is the year-round walk to school challenge from Living Streets and is starting as we continue our target of reducing the number of cars around school and increasing the number of families walking or scooting to school. If you live too far away, please consider parking away from school and walking the last part to help ease the congestion around school.

    Children who walk or scoot or park and stride at least once a week during the term will receive a badge.

  • Christmas Parties

    Fri 10 Dec 2021

    Letters have been sent home in the last few days, about Christmas parties, which are taking place next week.



    Thursday 16th December


    Thursday 16th December


    Tuesday 14th December


    Monday 13th December


    Tuesday 14th December


    Wednesday 15th December


    Thursday 16th December


    Children can wear non-uniform on the day of their party.

    We will be playing party games, having a dance and enjoying some party food.  In previous years we have had an abundance of left-over food; we are therefore asking for a small donation of party food from each child.  Children still have lunch on party days, so the party food is just a small treat to share with their friends. To ensure we don’t get lots of one thing, we ask your child to bring the items indicated on your letter, sent home this week. As any excess food at the end of party week will be donated to the Handsworth Food Bank, we are not requesting any perishable food.

    Please send the food/drink into school on the day of your child’s party.

  • Taylor Shaw Update

    Fri 10 Dec 2021

    Traditional Christmas Lunch -  Wednesday 15th December

    RED:            Roast chicken with sausage bite, stuffing ball, seasonal vegetables and gravy

    GREEN:        Quorn roast with vegetarian sausage bite, stuffing ball, seasonal vegetables and gravy

    PURPLE:       Halal roast chicken with Halal chicken sausage bite, stuffing ball, seasonal vegetables and gravy

    DESSERT:     Snowball crispy cake and festive fruit salad

    Please note that there will be no grab bag or jacket potato option on this day.


    Christmas Party Themed Menu - Thursday 16th December

    RED:            Ham sandwich, sausage roll and margherita pizza slice

    BLUE:           Tuna mayo sandwich, cheese & onion roll and margherita pizza slice

    YELLOW:      Cheese sandwich, cheese & onion roll and margherita pizza slice

    DESSERT:     Christmas shortbread

    Please note that there will be no jacket potato option on this day.

  • Secret Santa

    Fri 03 Dec 2021

    Children will be able to purchase gifts for their family/friends for £1.50 each (with a limit of 2 gifts per child). This will be in the junior hall, at lunchtime, on the dates below. We do ask that children bring money in a named envelope to make the purchasing process easier and where possible, the correct money. All gifts will be personally chosen by the children. They will then be wrapped and sent home with them.


    Wednesday 8th December - Y2 (11.30am - 12.30pm)

    Thursday 9th December - Y3 & Y5 (12pm - 1pm)

    Friday 10th December - Y4 & Y6 (12pm - 1pm)


    Foundation and Y1 children - a box containing various gifts will be available to purchase on the same dates in the Launchpad area.
